Blog for Assignments


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Visual Techniques

singularity, neutality, instability, simplicity, activeness, depth

economy, flatness, accent, simplicity, asymmetry, instability

  Both of the book covers above has used the technique of simplicity. Because they don't have many details, the visual messeges are very easy to see. However, the first one has depth and the second one has flatness. The first one tends to have a feeling of space and it help to create a sense of reality. The second one chooses to leave out the feeling of space and it shows the strong contrast between the object and the background. These two covers are also similar in the way that they both are imbalance. The first one is the chairs and the second is the book and the person. However, their effects are different. Because the neutrality of the first cover, the feeling of imbalance is not as strong as the second one. It just suggest the motion of the chair which conveys the message of reliability and the relationship of love. The second one has the technique of accent and it amplified the effect of imstability. It makes the illustrarion of the book in the cover seems to be a burden to the person which effectly depicts the title of the book. Both of these books use visual technique successfully.

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