Blog for Assignments


Monday, October 19, 2009

Tone and Color

           Illustration, which can be used on book cover, packaging, or the content of books, is a good example of utilizing elements like tone and color. Tone is operating significantly in the illustraion above. Tone helps to define lightness and darkness in the graphic and creates the feeling of dimension. Tone also tells how light is reflecting on the subjects like clothes and statue in the illustration which shows the reality. Tone let people to see the different levels on the image and disguinsh the object.
           Tone is usually interacting with another visual element which is dimension. Tone shows shade and light that help reinforcing the sense of reality and distance. It aids other method sof plotting space to visualize the objects.
          Color is also important in illustraion because color can stimulate emotion feeling and define the characteristics of the subject in the illustrantion. Color can convey messeges together with tone. For example, color tells the material of swords in the image above. Moreover, depending on what kind of color theme that the illustrator used, the illustraion can have different feeling. Using black, grey and deep blue can shows elegancy and seriousness. Color can also used to show the contrast by applying complementary color just like using black and white.
          Color and shape have interesting relationship because shape always have a color, or you may say that color helps define shapes. Since color has strong hiearchy, things that has similar color are more easily seen as one shape. Furthermore, color and shape together can convey more message rather than just by one of them all alone. Circle is just a circle but a yellow round shape can be interpreted as sun or coins.

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